
My first true love was a captioned image.

When I look into your eyes, I see the mirror of my soul.

I'm adding a broken link here, just to see what happens.

This info is courtesy of the macros plugin

The price of the product is 12.5, manufactured by Acme (their address is 123 Sample Drive Yoknapatawpha).

def is_prime:

    num = 407

    # take input from the user
    # num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

    # prime numbers are greater than 1
    if num > 1:
    # check for factors
    for i in range(2,num):
        if (num % i) == 0:
            print(num,"is not a prime number")
        print(num,"is a prime number")

    # if input number is less than
    # or equal to 1, it is not prime
    print(num,"is not a prime number")
Can we click it?


  1. WE
  2. CAN!